7 things to turn your office into a style haven

Whether you’re reclining in your chair at work or in your home office, there are many things you can do to turn that neutral space into a style haven.

The way you equip your office says much about the person who occupies it. The décor and technology you have within it can say a number of things; your work ethic, your personality, whether you are a gentleman, your sense of humour… the list is endless. It can also reveal negative things about you, so that means no clichéd slogans stencilled on the wall, budget artwork, outdated technology devices and no flat pack desks that will be lucky to make it through the year!

Below you will find seven things that will help you to avoid you any embarrassment and have your office reflecting your stylish personality effortlessly:



The correct lighting is an important aspect to making your office a chic space. Desk lamps are a great addition to your work space and will keep the area well-lit giving it a feeling of freshness. Inject your personality into this piece by choosing something with charm and character. Don’t be afraid to go big. A desk lamp can act as a piece of visual furniture and will break up the room.

Room Diffusers

The scent of your office should set a confident and reassuring tone to people who enter and this means sweet sickly fragrances won’t make the grade here. Smell is one of your primary senses and people will immediately connect you to the scent, so opt for full and masculine scents with earthy tones. Less of the bubble gum scent and more Scandinavian pine forest.


It’s been said you spend over half of your life working, so if that involves a chair you’ll want to invest as much money as you can. Choose something that looks as good as it feels and if you struggle with posture you’ll want to go for something with ergonomic support. If your office is looking suave you don’t want to ruin it by purchasing a cheap office chair.

Desk Accessory

To inject personality to your office, add an eye-catching item to your desk. One of our antique desk clocks is the perfect statement piece for any work space, and this analogue time piece will ooze style and sophistication and by extension you will too! Even one of our collectible watches, purposefully placed casually atop your solid desk will also insert an air of class to the room.

Coffee Machine

The smell of fresh coffee… is there anything better? To keep yourself focused and on top form you’ll need a boost of caffeine at least once in the day. Do away with nasty instant coffee and purchase a sturdy coffee machine. It’s never been easier to have delicious fresh coffee at the touch of a button, but for a real connoisseur you’ll want an espresso machine for that quick hit of delicious caffeine.


With music and podcasts being so easily accessible you’ll need a good pair of headphones for the optimum sound quality. Whether you just need some soothing sounds to calm out the day’s stresses or need some uplifting tunes to help you finish those never-ending reports, you’ll need a sound that isn’t tinny or harsh. Bose and Sennheiser are a good place to start.

Drinks Tray

There is no better way to toast a good week than to have a good drink. No, we’re not talking pub crawls here, but a good glass of something special is the way to go here. Think Don Draper and not a university carnage tour. Have a drinks tray in your office stocked with a few bottles of good quality spirits; single malts, bourbons, rum and cognac are the perfect start and make sure you have good quality drinking glasses, there’s no use having a 18 year old aged Whiskey if you’re going to be serving it from cups from the water cooler!


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